
Stk’emlupsemc te Secwépemc Nation Apprenticeships

In 2023, New Gold in partnership with the Stk’emlupsemc te Secwépemc Nation (SSN) offered SSN employees the opportunity to advance their career through the SSN Sponsored Apprenticeship.  Apprenticeships are mutually beneficial, as the employee gains invaluable experience, knowledge and abilities to succeed in their chosen field, university-level qualifications, and the prospect of higher earning potential, while New Gold gains the opportunity to develop and retain a highly-skilled employee. The apprenticeship application is a competitive 4-stage process where applicants must pass each stage before progressing. All candidates invited to the Stage 4 interview process are provided with feedback, regardless of the outcome. SSN candidates are connected with SSN mentorship who provide support and participate in the final candidate interviews. This year’s apprenticeship in Heavy Duty Mechanical was awarded to Wyatt Ruttan, a member of the Skeetchestn Indian Band. The apprenticeship sponsorship covers the costs of tuition, textbooks, and any other expenses related to school. Throughout his apprenticeship, Wyatt will work alongside a New Gold journeyperson and be primarily responsible for maintenance tasks in many areas of the mine.

The post Stk’emlupsemc te Secwépemc Nation Apprenticeships first appeared on New Afton Mine.