
Stk’emlupsemc te Secwépemc Nation and New Gold Gathering and Tour

Smiling people on mountain

In June, members of the Stk’emlupsemc te Secwépemc Nation (SSN) and the New Gold team met for their annual gathering. The day included hiking to the Savona Balancing Rock where Jeannette Jules of Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc shared with participants the story and cultural significance of the Coyote Rock within the Secwépemc territory. New Gold is grateful for the opportunity to work with SSN and learn from traditional knowledge keepers about the territory in which we operate.

The event also featured updates from the Individual Working Groups on progress made towards implementing the commitments within the Cooperation Agreement. In 2021, SSN and New Gold entered into the Cooperation Agreement replacing the existing Participation Agreement, which was signed in 2008. This modernized Cooperation Agreement seeks to build on the mutually beneficial working relationship that fosters an understanding and awareness of the parties’ respective interests. A consent-based decision-making process based on Secwépemc law and legal standards encourages the parties to work together to secure and maintain SSN’s consent to the project.

New Afton also hosted members of SSN for an underground and surface tour earlier this year.  These opportunities to directly engage with our valued Indigenous partners allow us to continue to grow and build our relationship. Site tours of this nature provide a hands-on opportunity for visitors to see elements of the operation in action, learn about processes, meet employees in various departments and ask questions about the site. Hosting a tour, no matter how small or how big, requires a team effort from the various departments at New Afton. We extend our appreciation to everyone who contributed their time to ensure our guests had an informative, welcoming and safe experience at site.

The post Stk’emlupsemc te Secwépemc Nation and New Gold Gathering and Tour first appeared on New Afton Mine.