Despite the challenges nature threw at us in 2021, it was another successful year in terms of Energy and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Management at New Afton.
Firstly, ISO 50001 is our system to ensure we continually improve our energy and GHG performance. In December 2021, we passed our ISO 50001 Surveillance Audit. In addition, New Afton received a AAA rating, the highest rating possible, during an external verification of our compliance with the Mining Association of Canada’s (MAC) Toward Sustainable Mining (TSM) Energy and GHG Emissions Management Protocol. Being certified and achieving such high ratings year-after-year is no mean feat and requires a true team effort. A big thank-you to all those who played a part in these successes.
In 2021, to align with our journey to a lower carbon future, New Afton set a GHG reduction objective, in addition to an energy objective. We exceeded our GHG reduction objective by 107% and our energy objective by an amazing 273%. This is the eighth consecutive year that New Afton exceeded its energy objective. Furthermore, two of these projects were initiated by employee suggestions.
Projects that helped us exceed our objectives:
Insulation of the mill coverall building
Battery electric loader in the B3 mining level
Reduction in diesel consumption due to completion of tailings dam construction
Electric heater to replace a diesel heater for the core shack water tank
Crowders in the rougher flotation cells to reduce blower air use
In 2922, New Afton will be recertifying to ISO 50001, transitioning to the new MAC TSM Climate Change protocol and has, once again, set both an energy and a GHG objective. Projects to help us achieve these objectives:
Battery electric haul trucks for Mine Operations
Reduction on vent fan energy by ramping down surface ventilation fans during shift change
Reduction in pumping energy due to the freshwater system upgrade
Warehouse lighting upgrade to LED lights
The post New Afton Surpasses Energy Targets first appeared on New Afton Mine.