
Expanding Opportunities in STEM for Students at NorKam Secondary

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New Afton provided $8,060 to School District #73 for NorKam Secondary School to acquire a comprehensive set of VEX robotics kits to accommodate between 18 and 22 students. VEX robotics is a program for students from elementary to university that provides education and competition opportunities for students interested in robotics. The funding was provided through New Afton’s Community Investment Program and aligned strongly with New Gold’s values of Creativity and People and Communities.

“This donation will significantly enhance our students’ learning experiences,” said Dewald Van Der Mewe, NorKam’s Technology Teacher, adding that the investment allows for students to access “exciting opportunities in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).” With this investment, New Gold will be supporting NorKam’s focus on intellectual development as a key aspect of the School District’s Strategic Plan. The Stratetic Plan intends to further students’ educational opportunities to strengthen literacy and numeracy, and their competencies such as critical thinking, collaboration, and innovation, which are needed for the NorKam students to further their careers in STEM. To learn more about this donation and NorKam’s robotics program, click here.

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