Community Investment

Program Eligibility Criteria

New Gold invests in sustainable community development and strives to support initiatives and projects that have meaningful and long-lasting positive impacts within the communities where we operate.

We encourage you to consider whether your organization, program or project not only qualifies, but will align with the community’s needs, New Gold’s Community Investment Program strategy and our company values. 

Our approach focuses on strategic long-term investments so that organizations, programs, projects and the community at large can develop and sustain beyond our operation.

New Gold will consider applications that focus on our four key areas:

  1. Arts, Culture & Recreation (includes visual and performing arts, libraries, museums, cultural centres etc.)
  2. Education (includes institutions of higher learning with particular emphasis on mining at the undergraduate and graduate levels, or programs which are of relevance to the mining and metals industry)
  3. Environment (includes support for responsible and objective environmental organizations as well as organizations that operate projects supporting wetlands reclamation and habitat conservation)
  4. Social and Community (includes support for community development)

Applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis (the first week of March, June, September and December) by our Community Investment Committees. Only complete applications will be considered. Funding decisions are based on New Gold’s Community Investment Program criteria and are made at the discretion of the Community Investment Committees.


What We Will Fund
We will accept applications for programs, projects or initiatives that:

  • Are a registered non-profit or charitable organizations (must be registered with Canada Revenue Agency to be able to provide official tax receipts)
  • Are within the following geographical areas: within 100km of the New Afton Mine; within the district of the Rainy River Mine; nationwide initiatives for New Gold Corporate application submissions
  • Address an identified community need, issue or existing gap
  • Are aligned with New Gold’s corporate values
  • Leverage partnerships with other local organizations as much as possible
  • Set out clear objectives including key performance indicators and targets that are specific, measurable, realistic and time-bound
  • Have demonstrable benefits to the broader community and make a net positive contribution to sustainable community development
  • Do not replace or duplicate existing programs or services
  • Are or can become sustainable (i.e. not financially dependent on New Gold as a long-term funding source)
  • Help strengthen and/or enhance New Gold’s corporate citizenship, social performance and community visibility

What We Won’t Fund
We will not accept applications for any programs, projects or initiatives that conflict with our Code of Conduct or our regulatory, licensing or any other statutory commitment. In addition, we cannot fund any of the following:

  • Individual pursuits and teams, except in exceptional circumstances
  • Advocacy or lobby groups
  • For-profit corporations
  • Debt-reduction campaigns
  • Religious organizations
  • Political organizations and candidates
  • Projects, programs or activities deemed to be unethical or contentious
  • Projects or events that have occurred in the past
  • Organizations or projects that have already received substantial funding within the current fiscal year
  • Organizations or projects outside of the district or area (exceptions may be made if 100% of proceeds are allocated to local programs)

The Community Investment Committees may decide to provide full or partial funding of the requested amount within successful applications. All applicants should carefully consider the quarterly application deadlines when submitting their applications in order to ensure timely review.